Ovarian cancer
After cancer of the lung, breast, and colon, primary ovarian cancer ranks as the most common cause of cancer deaths among American women. In women with previously treated breast cancer, metastatic ovarian cancer is more common than cancer at any other site.
The prognosis varies with the histologic type and stage of the
disease but is generally poor because ovarian tumors produce few early signs and are usually advanced at diagnosis.
Three main types of ovarian cancer exist:
Primary epithelial tumors account for 90% of all ovarian cancers and include serous cystoadenocarcinoma, mucinous cystoadenocarcinoma, and endometrioid and mesonephric malignancies. Serous cystoadenocarcinoma is the most common type and accounts for 50% of all cases.
Germ cell tumors include endodermal sinus malignancies, embryonal carcinoma (a rare ovarian cancer that appears in children), immature teratomas, and dysgerminoma.
Sex cord (stromal) tumors include granulosa cell tumors (which produce estrogen and may have feminizing effects), granulosa-theca cell tumors, and the rare arrhenoblastomas (which produce androgen and have virilizing effects).
The exact cause of ovarian cancer is unknown, but its incidence is
noticeably higher in women of upper socioeconomic levels between the ages of 20
and 54. However, it can occur during childhood. Certain genes, including BRCA1
and BRCA2, may increase risk. Other contributing factors include age at
menopause; infertility; celibacy; high-fat diet; exposure to asbestos, talc, and
industrial pollutants; nulliparity; familial tendency; and history of breast or
uterine cancer.
Primary epithelial tumors arise in the müllerian epithelium; germ
cell tumors, in the ovum itself; and sex cord tumors, in the ovarian stroma (the
ovary's supporting framework).
Ovarian tumors spread rapidly intraperitoneally by local extension
or surface seeding and, occasionally, through the lymphatics and the
bloodstream. Generally, extraperitoneal spread is through the diaphragm into the
chest cavity, which may cause pleural effusions. Other types of metastasis are
Signs and symptoms
Typically, symptoms vary with the size of the tumor. Occasionally,
in the early stages, ovarian cancer causes vague abdominal discomfort,
dyspepsia, and other mild GI disturbances. As it progresses, it causes urinary
frequency, constipation, pelvic discomfort, abdominal distention, and weight
Tumor rupture, torsion, or infection may cause pain, which, in
young patients, may mimic appendicitis. Granulosa cell tumors have feminizing
effects (such as bleeding between periods in premenopausal women); conversely,
arrhenoblastomas have virilizing effects. Advanced ovarian cancer causes
ascites, rarely postmenopausal bleeding and pain, and symptoms relating to
metastatic sites (most commonly pleural effusions).
With ovarian cancer, diagnosis requires clinical evaluation, a
complete patient history, surgical exploration, and histologic studies.
Preoperative evaluation includes a complete physical examination, including
pelvic examination with Papanicolaou smear (not clinically useful for ovarian
cancer but helpful in diagnosing cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, and some
endometrial cancers) and the following special tests:
abdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (may delineate tumor size)
complete blood count and blood chemistries
chest X-ray for distant metastasis and pleural effusions
barium enema (especially in patients with GI symptoms) to reveal obstruction and size of tumor
- mammography to rule out primary breast cancer
- liver function studies or a liver scan in patients with ascites
- laboratory tumor marker studies, such as CA-125, carcinoembryonic antigen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (the last two are mainly for suspected germ cell tumors).
- Despite extensive testing, accurate diagnosis and staging are impossible without exploratory laparotomy, including lymph node evaluation and tumor resection.
Depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's age,
treatment of ovarian cancer requires varying combinations of surgery,
chemotherapy and, in some cases, radiation. Cytoreductive surgery, in which the
tumor nodules are reduced to as small a size as possible, may increase survival
Conservative treatment
Occasionally, in girls or young women with a unilateral
encapsulated tumor who wish to maintain fertility, the following conservative
approach may be appropriate:
resection of the involved ovary
biopsies of the omentum and the uninvolved ovary
peritoneal washings for cytologic examination of pelvic fluid
careful follow-up, including periodic chest X-rays to rule out lung metastasis.
Aggressive treatment
Ovarian cancer usually requires more aggressive treatment,
including total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with
tumor resection, omentectomy, appendectomy, lymph node biopsies with
lymphadenectomy, tissue biopsies, and peritoneal washings.
Complete tumor resection is impossible if the tumor has matted
around other organs or if it involves organs that can't be resected. Bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy in a prepubertal girl necessitates hormone replacement
therapy, beginning at puberty, to induce the development of secondary sex
Chemotherapy extends survival time in most ovarian cancer patients.
Unfortunately, it's largely palliative in advanced disease, but some patients
are achieving prolonged remissions and even cures.
Chemotherapeutic drugs may be used alone; however, they're usually
given in combination. They may be administered intraperitoneally. The preferred
first-line regimen is paclitaxel and cisplatin (or carboplatin).
Radiation therapy is generally not used for ovarian cancer because
the resulting myelosuppression would limit the effectiveness of chemotherapy. It
also has limited efficacy.
Other treatments
Radioisotopes have been used as adjuvant therapy, but they cause
small-bowel obstructions and stenosis.
In addition, I.V. administration of biological response
modifiers—interleukin-2, interferon, and monoclonal antibodies—may be
Special considerations
Because the treatment of ovarian cancer varies widely, so must the
care of the patient.
Before surgery:
Thoroughly explain all preoperative tests, the expected course of treatment, and surgical and postoperative procedures.
In premenopausal women, explain that bilateral oophorectomy artificially induces early menopause, so they may experience hot flashes, headaches, palpitations, insomnia, depression, and excessive perspiration.
After surgery:
Monitor vital signs frequently, and check I.V. fluids often. Monitor intake and output, while maintaining good catheter care. Check the dressing regularly for excessive drainage or bleeding, and watch for signs of infection.
Provide abdominal support, and watch for abdominal distention. Encourage coughing and deep breathing. Reposition the patient often, and encourage her to walk shortly after surgery.
Monitor the patient, and treat any adverse reactions of radiation and chemotherapy.
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